Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Your honor...we blame Jesus!

submitted/post title by new contributor Ken Thomas
King Arthur: "Look, if he was confused, he wouldn't have bothered to post 'Ummm...' he'd just say it."
Sir Galahad: "Maybe he was dictating"
King Arthur: "Oh shut up."

submitted by new contributor BB The Clown
More importantly, you should choose your enemies this way.

Random note #1: How about the name of that church!

Random note #2: This is the first church sign submitted by a clown.

"Trade your pieces for God's peace"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Emily Bezaire
The more pressing concern here is why God is collecting toupees and/or guns....
----------------------------------------------- is the reason for...well, ummm.....for all humor.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I don't mean to be inappropriate, but toupees and guns aren't the only things that the word "piece" can be a euphamism for... i guess I do actually mean to be inappropriate...

  2. Typical, some preacher wanting my 'pieces of eight' for a one way ticket to heaven...

    Here's my sign: "Hey buddy, get a real job and quit begging for my hard earned cash!"

  3. I like your site, the fun and puns make the day.

  4. Hrm. CHeck out the sign Triangle's Worshipping Church uses on their webpage:

    What exactly is "whole man salvation"?
