Friday, December 21, 2007

Awfully big of you.

submitted by frequent contributor Indie Davis, TN
After this one, it wouldn't surprise me if he started asking someone else.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Blessed are the sneezemakers, for they shall they receive crummy signage.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
"He knows when you are sleeping. He knows when you're awake..."

"...He knows if you've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!"

submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
We'll be in touch if you qualify. Possibly.

"It's hard to baptize cats. Sunday 10:45, Wednesday 7:00"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B
Forget baptism. Have you ever tried to explain transubstantiation to one?!?

Make sure you cast your vote in the Huey-pocalypse. The fate of at least a handful of people rests in your hands!

------------------------------------------------------- reads your mind.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I like the "mourner's bench" at the base of that first sign. That way, the yahoo who put that up has a good place to repent.

    "God Saw What You Did": wasn't that a horror movie a few years back? "God Saw What You Did Last Summer."

    The "make yourself available" sign isn't so bad in content, but the weird gap before the last line grates on my nerves.

    Wasn't sprinkling invented for the purpose of cat baptism?
    You don't have to explain transubstantiation to a cat. Feline Catholics use mice in their mass. When the Persian Priest holds up the body and blood, it's really body and blood.

  2. Yeah, God saw what you did last summer and is going to jump from behind a bush in the pitch black night and strangle you to death, %^&(#.

    Baptizing cats. You have to admit that's an image.

  3. Can't baptize them
    Can't herd them
    Can't eat'em

    What good is they?

  4. Ha Ha Ha! The Persian Priest!!! That's the funniest thing I've read in a minute! I'm going to be thinking about the Cat-olic mass for a while!

    And the whole thing about God watching me all the time is kind of creepy, as Chris from Family Guy said, "... aww, I'm a sinner. And God's a pervert."

  5. Who know? The "...even if you didn't sneeze" sign is absolutely hilarious. Now that's comedy!

  6. I am just not getting the cats thing. What is the point of that??? sheesh.

    I'm also thinking that the sign-guy at Grace Memorial Church is a bit paranoid.

    I may be a little ambivalent about that Stafford Church sign. I think I might not like it, maybe.

  7. "God still knows what you did last summer."

    Bah. Must start getting up earlier before all the low-hanging fruit are plucked from the comedic tree.

  8. The one about baptizing cats, I still don't get. Maybe it was a sermon title, something along the lines of "herding cats?"

    And no, I haven't been able to herd OR baptize mine, either. Even sprinkling sets them running off through the house.

  9. I'm assuming that the kitty baptism means that we can't baptize because either 1) they can't make a profession of faith, 2) they have no sin, which I suppose is debatable ;-).

    I've heard of people who explain why humans have free will and animals don't by saying that "squirrels don't fast or go to confession."
