Monday, December 17, 2007

Wheel of Misfortune

submitted by Katherine Trexler
And with only four blanks, apparently there's no Christmas this year.

submitted by Katherine Trexler
For an extra charge, they can line your relatives up along the driving course so you can get visiting with them out of the way, too.

submitted by new contributor Brad AKA Wombat
I can't imagine how it's "alredy" done. The box said 25 minutes at 450° .

Brad says they managed to spell "alredy" correctly on the other side. I guess if you're not sure, just cover all your bases.

"Remember this Dec: Love weighs more than gold!"
submitted by frequent contributor Les DuLunch
So does lead. Can I just shoot everybody instead?

"Christmas is the heart that receives Jesus' gift."
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch
Sure it doesn't make any sense whatsoever, but how many church signs get the possessive form of "Jesus" correct?

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has purchased a copy of my book. To keep myself accountable, I wanted to post a picture of what is getting sent out in the mail today:

That money is all thanks to you, the ones who bought my book. Way to go!!

That's actually a little more profit than I made on the sale of books so far (I underestimated shipping charges a bit...), but I received so many multiple-copy orders that I was able to recoup some of what I lost on shipping with those orders. Also, orders have picked up again recently (at the regular price and PLUS shipping...and, amazingly, without my nagging), so I feel pretty strongly that I'll make this much and more when all is said and done. And as promised, every dime of my profit will be donated to Compassion. Want to give yourself a great Christmas gift? Sponsor a child yourself.

You're too late if you want a book in time for Christmas, but if you order now you might be able to spend the new year with your own copy of my book!


To close out, I want to thank Xan for his comments on Friday's post. Though we may disagree on the point in question (and we do, in fact, greatly disagree), I appreciate the good humor he showed in taking his ribbing and dishing some out as well. I also appreciate the fact that he clearly knew what he was talking about and wasn't just making stuff up. Xan, I do sincerely hope you'll return frequently and enjoy yourself despite our differing opinions. Also, I promise: No more flag cracks. For at least the whole rest of this year! is the heart that receives Diesel's gift.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I cannot read that "alredy done" sign. What's the rest of it say?

  2. "It's alredy done in the name of Jesus amen."

  3. I bet nobody asks if they can supersize the sermon.

  4. Thanks for the kind words, Joel. I didn't comment on _this_ blog without expecting some snarkiness! Don't worry, I was alredy planning on sticking around.

  5. Hey, where did you get those neat electrical tape-themed checks?

    Congrats on the sales, you big jerk. Just wait until my novel comes out. THEN you'll see. Oh and by the way, have you finished reading the draft yet?

    Xan - Welcome. We kid, we love. It's all good.

  6. Christmas Drive Thru...

    Doesn't this just show more of how people don't really care about following Jesus? Instead of carrying their cross and following Jesus, they will only go to the most "comftorable and quick" church. Following Jesus isn't a "fast food" relationship.

    Reminds me of a pastor who once said "I don't need these chairs in the sanctuary, it's not necessary for the word of God to be spread, but I have to have them, because if they were not there, you would not come! I don't need this carpet, but if the church wasn't all 'pretty and nice' you wouldn't come..."

    People need to get their priorities focused on Christ again!
