Sunday, August 12, 2007

One too many "not"s?

(Sign says "Grace is not an excuse to sin - but it is the power not to worship.")
submitted by frequent contributor Mondo Davis
This sign confuses me, it will confuse any non-Christian that reads it, and from the looks of things it confused the person who was composing it. What do they call a "worship service" if they have the power to not worship? Clearly they're just putting words up there and not thinking about the complete lack of meaning behind them.

"Whether on the road or in an argument, when you see red, it's time to stop"
submitted AND reviewed by Chris B., TN
So, wait. You've stabbed the person?

"Faith is the ability to not panic"
submitted by frequent contributor Cheryl B., TN
So as long as you don't panic, you're saved!!

As an aside note, the url now points directly to this blog. The old archives were not working out for me, so I dumped them. It's easier to tell your friends about this site now that you don't have to remember the whole "blogspot" part of the equation (though the old blogspot address still works too). So, what are you waiting for? Start telling your friends about!!! has the ability to not panic.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I believe the sign actually says "Grace is not an excuse to sin - but it is the power not to. Worship Sunday 9AM and 630PM. There is a little red period after "to."

    But I agree that anyone driving past will never see the period. Of course, anyone driving past will never be able to read a sign with so many words crammed into such a small space either.

  2. Yeah I wasn't even paying any attention to the fact that it was a period...It just looked like a stray mark. It makes a lot more sense as a sign, but you're right nobody is going to see it.

    Thanks Bob!

  3. so... roadkill makes me Christian? i'm confused....

    thought that first sign was pretty damn funny, too! ; )

    congrats on the "new" URL. guess i'd best make a few changes in the ol' sidebar, eh, my friend? (or should we leave it the same? oy. did i mention i was confused??)

  4. No, the old links will all still work. Just "added" a URL, so more than one point here.

    Thanks for thinking of me, though :)

    By the way, Neva, I forgot to add a title & tags to tomorrow's post on The Snark...could you hook that up for me when you edit? Thanks!!

  5. "Faith is the ability to not panic."

    God must read Douglas Adams, then. Because The Hitchhiker's Guide is really all I can think of when I read that sign. =P

  6. and speaking of The Snark... that was ONE HILARIOUS POST YOU DID FOR TODAY my friend! just saying... it made me laugh and laugh and laugh. even before i added in the title/tags! not sure how you manage it, but i swear you get funnier with each post. BRAVO!! *claps*

  7. It's too bad none of them Bible writers ever came up with a pithy definition of faith they could use.
