Friday, August 31, 2007

Jesus was really just a Shoebox Greeting.

submitted by Jerry Webber
And this church cares about you enough to give you the very worst on its sign.


submitted by Rev. Scott Gordon, OK
Let us celebrate! Kill the fatted Protestant!


Not a church sign, but still amusing. Thanks to Peter Holby:

I hear this guy got the entire plumbing contract for New Jerusalem when it gets built.

-------------------------------------- cares enough to send the very funniest.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. *sings* Onward Christian plumbers. unstopping our drains. unclogging our toilets, so we can go again.

    I believe that was written by John Wesley's brother Bob.

    But unlike Hallmark, God doesn't make crummy straight to video movies.

  2. Didn't Bob also write "They'll Know We Are Christian Plumbers By Our Low, Low Prices"?

  3. Jesus was a Shoebox Greeting! "She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the shoebox, because there was no room under the tree."

  4. Here in New Castle, PA, we have the Jesus Loves You hauling company, who drive their pickup trucks with the fishies on them around town.

  5. God never sent me a card, not even on Easter or at Christmas.

  6. Lord Likely,

    You must realize that those ARE His busiest seasons, right??

  7. As long as it wasn't one of those lousy "blank inside" cards...

  8. I love this one... The Hallmark sign is truly inspired. :)

    The Christian plumbers... honestly I refuse to hire people with signs like that because I'm so afraid they'll try to convert me if I do. Why can't it just be "We're really good plumbers", which is what we care about, after all.

  9. Just discovered your place (from Central Snark). You do good work here. The Lord's work. (If there were a "lord" surely he/she wouldn't want these crappy signs out there unexposed, would he/she?)

  10. Thanks TLP. I do spend time over at the Snark myself from time to time....

    I think there is a Lord and I think He thinks these signs suck. So I do what I do here.

    Hope you visit back soon and often!

  11. I'm a Christian. I generally do not deal with businesses that have fish as a part of their logo unless I have known them for a long time and have had a chance to see their work. Why can't their work be a testimony of their walk with Christ? Also as led we can be a witness to those businesspeople that are not saved. The fish turn me off completely.

  12. His Plumber - "Ya have to forgive us when we rip ya a new one"

  13. At least Vishnu sent me flowers.

  14. Joel, people outside my office just looked in to see why I was laughing so hard. (Yes, it's the Catholic one)....

    Thanks for the laugh and getting me in trouble.

    p.s. Given the standard line about Catholics not knowing the Bible, I'm not sure the people who put that up would catch your allusion. But I live in hope.

  15. IC, I gotta admit that I'm shocked that it took 14 comments to get the first comment on the Catholic sign. It was one of my favorite reviews of all time, and I was admittedly disappointed that not many people noticed.

    I knew I could count on you, though!!

  16. Well, you have to admit, "serving the Lord through serving your needs" absolutely begs for riffing.

    And I'm impressed everyone here kept it clean!
