Friday, August 24, 2007

Our pastor is quite powerful.

submitted and asst. reviewed by Jerry Webber
...right over there, next to the Slurpee machine and the lottery tickets.

"By refusing to say yes to God, you have already said no"
submitted by frequent contributor Lincoln J., WA
"Yep", says the non-Christian as he drives past this sign.

Rev. 3:20:

'Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. If anyone doesn't say yes immediately, I will quit knocking and leave, because that means they have already said no.

"Man has fallen
This is sure.
Sin the cause,
Christ the cure."

"Signs are crummy
Even when true.
Rhymes don't help
To fill the pews."

By refusing to say "yes" to

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Your snarkiness on these is exceptionally sharp today, Joel.

  2. Rhymes don't help to fill the pew... LOL. *whew. okay. that was good.

  3. You're so damn funny,
    Yes, it's true...
    I laughed so hard,
    I had to spew.

    guess i better not quit my day job, eh Joel? heh heh. that said, great post, as per usual! ; )

  4. Actually, "Prayers Answered" is a new book of the Bible.
    Prayers Answered 24:7 says, "The sign that is crummy, even if it should be true, is an abomination in my sight! Ask me, and I shall surely send the fire of my wrath upon that crummy sign!"

  5. There should be a little disclaimer on that first church sign, I feel.

    "Prayers Answered 24:7 (Disclaimer: prayers may not be answered positively. It may take several months for your prayer to be answered if there is a large backlog. Service unavailable in some areas.)

  6. At first I thought that first one might have been the marquee for this guy's church.

    Oh, hey, Joel.


    The Prodigal Son has returned! Kill the fatted calf!

    How ya been?

  8. Baahahahaaa!!When signs are bad/ and poems suck/ non-Christians tend/ to not give a .....

    Joel, your snarkiness has my sick husband laughing ont he sofa next to me.

  9. Let us all not forget the Book of Rush, which states "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."

  10. really cool blog can we exchange links???

    Waiting for your reply.
    Happy blogging
