Friday, August 17, 2007

You should see His Triple Lutz...

submitted by new contributor Ryan Geer
Sadly, I think they have inadvertently stumbled on a new reality show idea:

Coming this fall on the Trinity Broadcasting Network...."Skating with the Religious Icons"!!! Judged by Kirk Cameron, Jan Crouch, and Dick Button. Saturdays at 7 ET.

Sorry, Jesus, but my money is on Hod.

submitted by new contributor StreetFishing
1 Peter 1: 15-16 "But just as He who called you is cool, so be cool in all you do. For it is written, "Be cool, because I am cool."

Extremely strong contributions from our new contributors today. Welcome, and thanks. Also, check out this neat little post by the Pyromaniacs that references CCS. Thanks, guys!

Do they see skating on April 15?

Keep 'em coming.


  1. maybe the "World" didn't see Jesus skating on April 15, but i'm guessing it was spellbound by the time His award-winning performance found its way to DVD. (that flowing sequined robe of His was awesome)

    too too TOO damn funny, Joel! and i am SO laughing at that "Hod" reference of yours, too! : )

  2. Is that the church or the neighboring business with the happy hour?

  3. A skating Jesus?

    Maybe that's how he did that 'walking on water' trick!

    That cheeky Messiah!

  4. Neva: My Norse God routine kills 'em every time.

    anonymous: There's a difference?

    Lord Likely: ...and then He had the gall to not give Peter skates when he tried!!

  5. Hey, where'd the archives go? Those were hilarious.

  6. Awww. The Cool Church. I know that church. Thankfully, although their name might be crummy, they are not. And really, in Tucson, stuff like that works...

    Also, love the blog. I check it frequently for updates and usually laugh a lot! Thanks.

  7. The Cool Church sign made me laugh and reminded me of an article I read. The author had been to a seminar on starting new congregations and met a guy who wanted to start a church for "you know, cool people."
    When the author asked him exactly how he defined that demographic, the guy smirked and said, "You know, people who dress like me, and listen to good music. You know, not like the lame boring people who go to most churches."
    Sadly, he wasn't joking....

    It's one thing for other people to call your church the cool church, another thing to put in on your sign!

  8. Great selections today. I wonder if the Cool Church knows how cool it is to tell everybody how cool you are.

    Congrats on winning the caption contest this week, Joel!

  9. Anonymous1: The archives are on the left sidebar in chronolgical order.

    The more fun archives will be taking another, more profitable, more easy-to-read-in-the-bathroom form at some point in the future.
