Friday, January 18, 2008

Bow Chicka Bow Bow!

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
And all God's women said....


submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Near to shopping and good schools?

submitted/asst. reviewed by Duane Brown
Jimmy, you're in charge of hellfire and brimstone this year. Can you handle that?!?

"God plus one is the majority."
submitted by new contributor Ty Maier
So God by Himself loses or ties?? What kind of crummy god are they worshiping?

Slow down. Feel the

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I'm just wondering, can I have that first marquee put up on my bedroom wall?
    Happy Friday, Joel!

  2. Slow riiiiiiide, take it easssssssyyyyyyyyyyy...........
