Thursday, August 7, 2008

"Alpha and Omega" Force

"I created Chuck Norris. -God."
submitted by new contributor Summer H.
However, He wants absolutely no credit for Lone Wolf McQuade.


"When we don't trust God we are miserable."
submitted by frequent contributor Laura R.
It's also pretty disappointing when we run out of the right color letters for our sign.


"Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it."
submitted AND reviewed by Christopher E.
Kids get free silly putty!


"Gabriel - Get me that rope!"
submitted by frequent contributor Barbara B.
...and Michael - get me a horse and some cattle. The Father wants to play rodeo! YEEEEEEHAWWWW!!!


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  1. "I created Chuck Norris. -God."

    Okay, it is kind of dumb in a way. But it is true and important. I can certainly have fun with it, but it is rather unassailable in a way.

  2. You'll notice I didn't make fun of it TOO badly, for that very reason. Just a couple of puns about Chuck Norris movies is all.

    The way I would view it is that sometimes truth can be presented in a cheesy (even crummy) fashion.

    Paul: Your cranks, as always, rock. We may have to have a Jim Rome-styled crank-off one of these times. My money's on you, Gridlock, or Allen's Brain. Maybe that'll be our next caption contest....

  3. paul: given that He also created the Clintons, Hitler, Hussein, Mao & Co, that's really not a comfort to someone on the outside looking in, even though you're right. that's why it's certifiably crummy. i also have a problem with signs that attribute quotes to God, (e.g., "Have you read my bestseller? there will be a test")even though they make a point. stick with Scripture! :)

    i guess i'm feeling didactic today.

  4. lvr,

    The cranking allows me to be - well - cranky. Sometimes though it is good to be didactic and have the more serious discussions.

    Genesis 1 spends its time telling us about the good things that God created. 7 times we are told that it is good. Does a sign reminding us of a obvious good that God created count as crummy? I don't know. If it was "I created the earth and the sky - God," would it be any better or worse.

    You mention, "Clintons, Hitler, Hussein, Mao & Co". I understand the concern of how the outsider might perceive the sign, but do you really think that someone is going to be driving by and see the sign and say to themselves, "He created Hitler too, I'm never going to that church, because they only acknowledge the awesomeness that is Chuck, but don't take responsibility for Hitler." I constantly have difficulty predicting reactions (I thought The X Files: I Want to Believe was going to take in at least $30 million on opening weekend).

    Now if the sign said, "I created Hitler - God." I could see that as crummy, no matter how true it may be.

    It is important to remember that all of God's creation is good. And we should pray and hope for everyone's salvation including, "the Clintons, Hitler, Hussein, Mao & Co". However that topic is a difficult one that ought not be reduced to a 4 or 5 word sign.

    Celebrating the awesomeness of God's creation, I think that is more okay, but again, I'm not the best person to judge these things.

  5. paul: i'm touched by the time you took to respond to my (somewhat grouchy) comment. (my crankiness is not witty like yours, i'm afraid.)

    my reply won't be as thorough, but i want to acknowledge that i do agree with your points. it's certainly always better to recall to mind Phil. 4:8 and dwell on such things.

    thank you for your reminder to pray for those i mentioned...that's something God keeps bringing to my attention and i keep neglecting.

    God is good indeed. i'm so glad that, no matter how hard we try and how much we fail to make God in our own image, He is bigger and better and more awesome than anything/anyone else!

    thanks again for your gracious rebuke.
    keep up the funny cranks!

  6. ... and nothing ruins youth like stretch marks.

  7. "I created Chuck Norris. -God."

    We accept your apology. Everyone has an off day.

  8. can someone explain the rope reference to me?

    (must say i'd much rather spend time with the clintons than any of the other potential sign names... at least they won't try to kill me.)

  9. mmichele - I think the rope reference was implying that God is ready to start "rounding up" the saints.

  10. Verily, thou shalt be lynched for thy rustling ways, for I am the Lord--and we don't cotton to that here on the Bonanza!

  11. Of course God created Chuck Norris! Only the author of creation could fashion a being that has been described as to not break wind, but to annihilate it.

    And, "Gabriel - bring me the rope!"

    Was this said shortly before, "Saint Peter - bring me the ax!" and "Verily I say unto you, NO WIRE HANGERS EVER!!!"
