Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brief Hiatus

This is the week that I'm back to school. With so much to do, Crummy Church Signs will go on a brief hiatus. Also, I'm pretty much out of submissions (as usually happens this time of year). I'll be back when there's more time and more ammunition.

In the meantime, there are almost four years of archives that I'm sure you haven't visited in their entirety. Check out the right-hand sidebar.


  1. Just when I get the hang of the cranking, you go AWOL. Hmph. I guess there's 4 years worth of cranking to catch up on, too.

    Have a good first week of school!

  2. The Ironic CatholicAugust 12, 2008 at 1:44 PM

    Work? WORK!? Where are your priorities, man?

    Happy first week. Mine's coming up.

  3. whatever will you do when your desperate readers HAVE read all the archives?
    I for one am making hardcore inroads!!!!
    and laughing too hard to get much accomplished elsewhere.

  4. I think I linked to you from another blog. I'm never quite sure of how I get where I land. Anyway, I am pretty devout about trying to follow the teachings of Christ. The church signs don't offend me, and while you say you're having fun, I actually thing these signs are a tremendous commentary on the state of the Church. Christ and what He did for us - His love for us, can't and should not be reduced to so many of these silly quips. As someone raised in an evangelical church, I hate these most of these signs. They really bug.
