Sunday, August 17, 2008

A new direction for Benedictions everywhere:

"Satan will rule you all."
submitted by frequent contributor Katherine T.
From that point forward, the secretary was warned to let her medications "kick in" before putting up each week's sign.


"Which is worse: A child afraid of the dark or an adult afraid of the light?"
submitted by frequent contributor Katherine T.
That week's object lesson ended poorly, as the oncoming train won its game of "chicken" with the pastor.

Note: No wonder their children are afraid of the dark when they put up signs like that first one.


"Kids see 'Bibleman' live & in person!"
submitted by frequent contributor Katherine T.
Alter-Ego: John Pilgrim
Height: 6' 1" (as in Ephesians 6:1, kids!)
Weight: Enough to not be blown about by the whims of this fallen world!
Costume: The armor of God!
Super-Powers: Faster than a charismatic heading down the aisle! More powerful than Samson before he hits the Canaan Supercuts! Able to leap wide baptismals in a single bound!
It's Bibleman!


"Playing make believe. Sunday 11 AM"
submitted by frequent contributor Katherine T.
The congregants knew they were in trouble when the pastor started in with "Picture Picture".


Thanks to Katherine for the great submissions! Sometimes the reviews are pretty darn easy to come up with...


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Alltop Humor





  1. that's a little ballsy to say that everyone ELSE is going to be ruled by satan! what's that thing about casting stones?

  2. "Bibleman" is actually a series of videos for kids where superheroes fight evil supervillains with the Word of God, plus... cool swords that look like light sabers from Star Wars!!!!! It originally starred (and I believe was created by) Willie Aames of "Eight Is Enough" TV fame. For grownups it's pretty corny, but little kids (maybe in the 4 or 5-year-old range), especially boys, seem to think it's just the greatest thing. Some friends of ours have a little boy who was positively hooked on Bibleman at the age of 4. They do quote a TON of Scripture, and it is used appropriately. The stuff with the laser swords comes off as more just action that is going on between Scriptures. :)

    Anyway, it's not anywhere near as violent as, say, your average Spongebob episode (or your average chapter from the book of Judges, for that matter), and it gets Scripture into the ears of kids (voluntarily!) so it can't be all bad. :)

  3. it's not all bad, it's just somewhat amusing as posted.

  4. I'd rather chew on tinfoil than have my kids watch "Bibleman".

    I mean, even Charles in Charge reruns are less lame.

  5. I didn't know about the Bibleman videos until seeing the comment above, but a local church in my hometown back in NC does a "SuperChristian" skit every year during VBS. SuperChristian wears a cape and beats up the tempters who try to make you drink underage.

    ...because being a Super Christian is clearly all about beating up sinners.

  6. "I'm Satan, and I approve this message."

  7. Satan: "All Your Bases Are Belong to Us!"

  8. "Playing make believe"? Isn't that called... going to church?

  9. Yup, MJ's right. I saw some Where Are They Now-type show and learned Willie Ames started that Bibleman thing.
