Friday, August 8, 2008

Don't Scream About. Don't Think Aloud...

"Swallow when you want to spit."
seen on the Church Sign Generator site by Dan W.
No one ever forgot the Sunday when the communion grape juice went "bad"...


"The Kingdom is near. VBS Summer Camp Presentation Sun 8/2"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Courtney R.
Looks like the Preschoolers are bringing the fire and brimstone...


submitted AND reviewed by Randy B.
This sign is crummy in the worst of ways...bummer.


Finally today, Danny C. sends in this interesting perspective on a church sign, originally posted at the Nifty Files:

My comment: He didn't have to die for Tim Horton's, for their donuts are without sin.


Aren't you proud of how family friendly I kept the first review?? Imagine the cranking possibilities that I left for you people...

Speaking of Cranks, we're up to the third most cranked site for all of Photocrank (in only 44 days). Considering 1 and 2 have at least twice the amount of time on Photocrank, that's a great accomplishment. Way to go, Crankers!

Keep the submissions coming!!


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  1. Gosh that first... solid advice to prostitutes and high school girls everywhere.

  2. Joel, great song reference.

    With some of these signs, it really is beginning to seem like they are intending to get on this site.

    I can't figure out what they could possibly be trying to communicate in that first sign, unless they have actually had issues with the congregation spitting on the floor during their services.

  3. I know my brain is dirty, but the first sign...

  4. couldn't #1 have something to do with swallowing either our pride or our words?

    kudos for your restrained review. now it's just my mind that's running away with me... :P

  5. clearly i am not the only one whose mind goes to the gutter when i read that first sign.

  6. How could we not see the double entendre in that one?

    BTW, are the cranks displaying right on everyone else's photos? Mine show up but not over the pictures. I'm losing some "ha ha" value. Any idea?

  7. Saint Schizophrenia,

    They show up fine for me, what browser do you use?

  8. I'm in Firefox, and all is well.

    St. Schiz, do you have the most current Flash installed? Crank is a Flash application.

  9. I'm using Firefox on Kubuntu. As far as I know, I've got the most recent flash plugin. I'm getting the cranks themselves, but not seeing the pic underneath. Does photocrank just superimpose them over the pic on your page or does it open a little pop up? I get a pop up with the toolbar for PhCr and see the cranks, just not the photo.

    Photocrank doesn't work on my laptop at all, but it's a steaming pile of poo, so I'm not surprised.

  10. "Does photocrank just superimpose them over the pic on your page or does it open a little pop up?"

    In IE, the photocrank is superimposed over the pic, not sure about Firefox.

    Do you see the pics before you hit "play" on the PhotoCrank bar?

  11. Yeah, I see the pic of the sign with the play button, add button and option button. When I mouse over those I get the number of cranks or comments, however, there is not a transparent background, but a big white square that appears behind them obscuring the photo.

    Then when I click them it opens a pop up with the toolbar and I can see the cranks, on a white background. Here's a screenshot.

    You know, thsi sure is taking alot of energy. Maybe I should just go poke the people at photocrank in the eye.

  12. Saint: I told my person at Crank about it, just to see if he's heard of the problem before.

  13. That first sign is ridiculous... I'm starting to think that these churches need some sort of sign council to screen all of the slogans...

    And until I moved to Canada, I had never even heard of Tim Horton's... I prefer it over Dunkin Donuts, but Krispy Kreme still beats em all...

  14. When I read the first one, I paused for a second to think if it COULD honestly mean anything else. Ridiculous!

    Also, I like perspective one a lot. It's hardly fair, but super hilarious.

  15. Holy crap. What is up with that first sign?

    BTW, I just saw Collective Soul a few weeks ago. They rocked.

  16. Swallow when you want to spit, eh? Someone's taking that whole "body of christ" thing a bit too literally...

  17. did Christ really die for our dunkin' donuts? I thought there was a little more substance to his death than that ....

  18. The first sign was created on the Sign Generator website.

    The sign for First Wesleyan...I've actually seen that one...because I used to attend there.
