Friday, August 29, 2008

God has Game, too.

"Game Plan: God has plan."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
God has plan stop meet at bridge stop midnight tomorrow stop he will be in brown trenchcoat stop also with throne and angels stop


"Eternity is approaching quickly"
"Life is passing quickly"
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
So if they meet in a head-on collision I don't have to worry about either one, right?


"God is all seasons open for you visit."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Brought to you by the First Church of Dagobah.


"Vacation plans? God has your directions inside visit?"
submitted/asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Look, we really don't want to have to beg any longer...PLEASE visit?!?


submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown


Thanks mostly to Paul_, CCS is now the #2 most PhotoCrank'd site in the entire internet. Paul_ received a little help from LVR, St. Schiz, BRWombat, mathgrant, Duane, and others...but it's mostly him.

If you haven't been to the archives in a while, you're really missing out. He is absolutely killing some of those older signs with cranks.

Hopefully he'll keep going because it's a loooooong way to #1.


Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. he's super-human, that one. i wouldn't not be surprised one bit if he takes CCS to the top.

    long live Photocrank!

  2. I'm given ya all that she's got cap'n.

    But I'm gonna need at least some of those red shirts that die every post to help me crank the archives to surpass Fake Steve.

  3. Today's signs brought to you by the Engrish Church of America.

  4. God has my directions? Shouldn't he have sat nav by now? Doh!

  5. Your have got great blog going.

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  6. Eternity is approaching quickly/Life is passing quickly

    If Eternity leaves the station at Chicago traveling south at 75 miles per hour at 4pm, and Life leaves the station at Peoria at 5pm traveling north at 65 miles per hour, what time will Armageddon occur?

  7. Either I'm the biggest nerd who ever lived or you're hilarious (possibly both) but your comment on the first one made me laugh out loud... which is pretty remarkable for me.
    I'm so unbelievably amused....
    oh, and mj- I love your comment as well!
