Friday, August 15, 2008

The Gospel According to Michael Jordan:

"To air is human, to forgive divine"
submitted by Andy C.
But I swear: Next time you "air" in the car without cracking a window, you're gonna get smacked.


"No boats necessary"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Tara
In case of an emergency, your pew cushions can be used as a flotation device.


"If we lack the courage to start, we have already finished"
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney
Well...that was easy! What's next??


Paul and St. Schiz. continue to dominate the archives with Cranks. Check 'em out.


Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. o frabjous day! calloo, callay!

    i chortle.

    re #2: what pew cushions? you have pew cushions? how luxe. i think we could probably contrive a canoe of sorts out of our wooden pews. maybe a raft.

  2. "i'm going to run airrands, honey!"
    "403- airror: site not found."
    "an airrant wind messed up my golf swing!"
    knights-airrant, anyone?

  3. haha those are funny. check out other funny signs on my blog

    Funny signs

  4. Oh my gosh. That first one is one of my all-time favorites now. Thanks!

  5. "But I swear: Next time you "air" in the car without cracking a window, you're gonna get smacked."
    Oh my goodness i cannot stop laughing!!!!!

  6. The first sign was updated as of Saturday morning. I got a picture of it and tried to email it to Andy. My Blackberry still hadn't sent it more than 12 hours later so I sent it via MMS. Hopefully he will post it in the morning. At first glance, it is even more funny. I don't want to give it away. It is possible the first picture was a play on words and the second a clever Schriberg reference.

  7. As Jason said, "To Air is Human" was updated on Saturday, and is in fact even funnier. There is a pic on my blog that is entirely devoted to this church's sign.
