Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Official Church of Homer Simpson:

"Sunday School 9 AM. Donuts 10 AM. Worship 10:30 AM"
submitted/post title by frequent contributor Duane Brown
There was quite an uproar the Sunday when Devil's Food Donuts were accidentally served...


"To stay out of debt, act your wage."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
"Consider the lilies of the field. They charge not, neither do they layaway..."


"Filling Station!"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Duane Brown
I think the church down the road has services for two cents cheaper...


"God spplies all our needs one day at a time."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Except, apparently, the letter "u".

(Note: Long-time CCS readers will also love Duane's snark on this sign:
"What's missing? U R!")


"Leaning on God is like learning to float."
submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
Meaning it's easier when you're dead?


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Alltop Humor





  1. ...or, Take at look at Delmar here as your paradigm of hope.

  2. Re: Act Your Wage...

    This Crummy Church Sign is brought to you by the St. Dave Ramsey Church of Financial Peace.

    (I know a lot of churches run his FPU, but shouldn't they keep the signs more focused on God and saintly quotes?)

  3. it's so unkind to predicate worship on donuts.....i mean, what did the Israelites do without them?

  4. The donuts are just to get you sugared up so you don't nod off during the slow songs. Plus, it's funny to see Pastor with that powdered sugar dust all over his collar every week.

  5. "I think the church down the road has services for two cents cheaper..."

    Don't you mean ten shekels cheaper?
