Friday, August 1, 2008

Direct from the Apostle's Creed:

"God is annoying because He doesn't ignore my mistakes."
submitted by Claire F.
And worse yet, He'll forgive them. Can you believe this guy?!?


"If you destroy a bridge be sure you can swim."
submitted by frequent contributor Shelley
Or fly. Or that you have a boat.


"A shut mouth gathers no foot."
submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix
I'm not sure, but I think they just threatened to kick you in the face if you don't shut up.


"God will bless America if 2 Chronicles 7 vs. 14."
submitted by new contributor Dorothy B.
Well 2 had better chronicle "7 vs. 14" then!

Though honestly, I don't know why they're even fighting.

Dorothy also sends in this picture of the same church sign from a different angle:

Yes, those are American flags making up the cross and the radiant beams around it.



"No perfect people allowed."
submitted AND reviewed by Sarah H.
Sorry, Jesus.


I'm actually going to post tomorrow, a rare weekend feat for me. It will be non-church sign related, though. It will be a meme (which I seldom do, but this one got my attention). Should be pretty fun, so check back.


Click these, please:

Alltop Humor





  1. The "A closed mouth gathers no foot" one made me crack up laughing! I actually like it.

    However, the reason for this is that I am slightly drunk. (Working night shift and sleeping during the day excuses this behavior at 6AM.)

    Your comment on it was even funnier, mind.

  2. We actually have a sign in our kitchen saying "A closed mouth gathers no feet". It's referring to when people say stupid things and then have to "put their foot in their mouth", or so the saying goes. My dad was a preacher but he seemed to be putting his foot in his mouth much too often, so a church member made him that sign.

  3. satan is annoying because he doesn't ignore our mistakes- he capitalizes on them.

    i have to say, i have never seen a radiant cross done in Stars and Stripes. interesting mix of tacky and wistful.

  4. I'm not a theologian, but was Jesus considered perfect while he was a human being? And does perfect in this sense mean, "no faults" or "no sin?"

  5. "A shut mouth gathers no foot."

    ... that's freakin' hilarious!


  6. Regarding the "Old Fort" Baptist Church-- I don't know where that is located. But I know of several "Old Fart" Baptist Churches!! In fact, I suppose most all denominations have churches that meet the criteria!!

  7. "No perfect people allowed."

    So once you become "perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect" (mt 5:48), get the hell out.
