Thursday, July 13, 2006

King of Graffiti Artists

directed by Paul Schafer; sign courtesy KTRK, Houston, TX
Apparently, this is a prank pulled by some Graffiti artists in Houston. (News Story) Good thing, too, because if this was a real advertisement the Southern Baptists would probably boycott Budweiser or something......

To my SBC friends, I kid because I love.

"Faith is the ability to not panic"
submitted AND reviewed by John Allen Bankson, Ruston, LA
And English proficiency is the ability "to not split" an infinitive. Besides, since when is faith "the ability" to do anything?

Bring 'em on.


  1. Glad to see this hilarious billboard on CCS! I'm reminded of an old joke:

    Q: What's the difference between Baptists and Methodists?
    A: Methodists recognize each other in the liquor store.

    In my tiny Georgia town, the Budweiser Clydesdales were featured in last year's Christmas Parade. It was a real sight to see!They were fantastic, and all the little kids were enthralled. But for two weeks after the parade, the local paper published dozens of vitriolic letters--all from local church pastors and parishioners, many Baptist--denouncing the presence of alcohol and DECADENCE in our town's parade, saying how sinful it was, blah blah blah. Funny thing is that these are the same people who drive 25 miles out of their way to buy booze at my friend Jan's liquor store--just so nobody will see them coming out of a local liquor store. So I don't think the SBC will come out and call for a boycott; they'll just quietly buy Miller or Coors or PBR when they take that drive to the next town.

  2. how funny about the sbc boycotting budweiser.

    --RC of
