Sunday, July 16, 2006

Not technically a church sign, but crummy nonetheless...

submitted by Miss Kitty, GA (Miss Kitty's Blog)
Since the sign is a little blurry, here is what it says: "Believe On Jesus--Read King James Bible--REPENT OR BURN"
No other comment necessary.


submitted by Miss Kitty, GA
...or Vice Versa?
OK, this sign isn't really "crummy", but I do think limiting the Christian life to the act of forgiveness is a little bit shallow. However, Christianity is all about being forgiven, so maybe a flip-flop of the subject and object are in order. Or just a completely different sign.

"God gave it to us.
Armies fight for it.
Don't lose it."

submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
OK...God gave us pretty much everything, so that doesn't narrow "it" down.
"Don't lose it" is a pretty general command, so that doesn't help us know what "it" is.
So, we are left with "Armies fight for it". That means the "it" in this sign could mean:
- Helen of Troy.
- Democracy.
-Revenge for the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand.
-Halting the spread of communism.
-Religious fanaticism.
-States' rights OR emancipation, depending on who you ask.
-Roses. (?)
-The Holy Land.
-Stopping a nutjob from trying to take over the world.
-Fair representation.
-Making a name for yourself.
-Finishing what your father started.

Yeah, like I thought: not a ton of those that are biblical. Anything to add to that list? Email me and I will add it to the list. The funnier, the better.

Keep sending the signs in.


  1. Great commentary on the "don't lose it" sign, Joel. I, too, dislike vagueness, especially in church signs.

    The text of the sign that the guy's wearing is a little blurry, but I'll type it here for readers:

    "Believe On Jesus--Read King James Bible--REPENT OR BURN"

  2. Thanks, MK. I added it to the original post.
