Monday, July 31, 2006

"Pobody is nerfect"

submitted by Wes Kenney, OK
But just because you're not "nerfect", that doesn't mean you have to completely suck, especially on your church sign for all to see.

And since when are we supposed to celebrate that fact? When Jesus was hanging on the cross do you think He chuckled to himself, "Well, I'm only here because pobody is nerfect!"


"Some people wear their halos too tight."
submitted by Kyle Evans. Sign from Gadsden, AL
Someone should point out an even bigger problem to this church: Some people wear their halos...period.

"Use your computer for good."
submitted by Kevin Sample. Sign from Columbia, TN
Only as soon as you all stop using your church signs for evil.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. ps - i thought that one sign said they wear their hose too tight. i was about to say, 'me too'. especially when i rob banks. it makes my nose all scrunched up and junk.

  2. Whew! How can you stand all the suckage? And I thought this heat wave was awful!

  3. "Some people wear their halos too tight" - And apparently those halos were so tight that it caused a fainting spell during the class where their English teacher told them when to use adjectives, and when to use adverbs.
