Tuesday, August 1, 2006

"Good night, Mrs. Witt. We'll see you in the morning."

submitted by Sarah Mitchell. Sign from Lynchburg, VA
Let me know if Mrs. Witt is cooking breakfast, and I'll see her in the morning too.

One can only suppose Mrs. Witt passed away?? Or something?? Boy is that a messed up, confusing sign.

"Sit in demonstration Sunday morning."
submitted by Sarah Mitchell. Sign from Nelson County VA
Can we sue for false advertising if they ask us to stand at any point during the morning service? I imagine some cute punch line delivered Sunday morning: "This morning we are here "demonstrating" our love for Jesus...." Gag.

"You can't stumble when U are on your knees."
submitted by Miss Kitty. Sign from LaGrange, GA (Miss Kitty's blog)
Today's church sign proudly brought to you by Sinead O'Connor.

"Patience: A bitter plant that produces sweet fruit."
submitted by Miss Kitty.
Nothing like a church sign that could be useful for every single denomination, religion, worldview, creed, code, organization, affiliation, political party, or labor union. I guess if a church is out to please everyone, it can't go wrong with something like this.

"If loving Jesus was a crime, would you go to jail?"
submitted by Cindy Tucker. Sign from Fairfield, OH.
Dunno. I hope so. However, if crummy church signs were crimes, I don't think we could come up with cell space in all the jails in the lower 48.

I'm on the road right now, but I think the Map of Cruminess is due an update when I return.

By the way, we are fast approaching our 400th different sign submitted and reviewed. Thanks so much to all of my submitters for making that possible!! Expect some big announcements in the days and weeks to come to celebrate the occasion.

Thanks, keep sending them in.


  1. Great reviews, Joel! Yeah, the Mrs. Witt one is rather confusing. Maybe she'll make *me* some breakfast, too...

  2. I'm surely confused! Maybe his quick retorts went to bed early?

  3. A good idea when announcing a death on a church sign is to make sure you use dates and a dash, i.e., 1927 - 2006. Otherwise the catchy little saying that has meaning only to a few people anyway, as well as the notification of death--will be completely lost to all-- as in the case of Mrs. Witt.
