Wednesday, August 30, 2006

"Run for your lives: Jesus is coming!"

submitted AND reviewed by Katherine Blaisdell, Orange, CA
Oh gosh! And He's manifested his holiness as Godzilla!

"God loves hymns! We sing hymns!"
submitted by Brad Wright
God must have been very disappointed for all those years in between His Son and the writing of most of those hymns that He loves. "Dark Ages", indeed.

"God hates haters."
submitted by Justin Rocha, Topeka, KS
No, God loves haters, but hates the hating.

Or something like that....

"God always wins at hide and seek."
submitted by Justin Rocha, Topeka, KS
Well, the Big Cheater peeks after all.....

"Want peace? Stop trying and start trusting."
submitted by David Jacks, TX
I think I get the idea, but "stop trying" can be taken so many wrong ways. Perhaps a different turn of phrase is more appropriate.

Keep 'em coming.

Everything from this post on down is now categorized on the website, including new entries into the Hall of Shame and the Trophy Room.


  1. I am totally bilingual in churchy-speak and it took me a while to figure out why the hell God would be playing hide-n-seek. Stoooopid!

  2. "Run for your lives"? A 1 Cor 9 or Heb 12 reference, perhaps? I'm not sure I get it.

    "God loves hymns" and psalms and spiritual songs... but we don't have those in our pew racks, so we just go with hymns. God never commands us to sing praise choruses!

    Word verification for this post: ohypod. Is this swearing for people with stuffed-up noses?
