Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Caged Bikers Stay Away!

submitted by Dominique Newland. Sign from Raytown, MO
Well...I am not sure I can comment since I don't know what an uncaged biker is. But I know a Caged Biker sounds really cool! I would welcome them, too.

Either one would make one heck of an offertory performance, I am guessing.

"You can depend on God but can He depend on you?"
submitted by Anna Marye, sign from Alexandria, LA
God, being self-existent, doesn't really "depend" on anybody. And if He needed to, the answer to the question is "No." The whole fallen-state-of-humanity thing again.

"Jesus: Long cheekbones, no beard, bangs."
submitted by Anna Marye, sign from Missouri
So, Jesus is Richard Ashcroft? That is a bittersweet symphony, indeed.

(NOTE: As you think of others that fit the above description of Jesus, feel free to link to them in the comments section. Keep it clean.)

Big website update today. Check it out.

Keep the signs coming here.


  1. Okaaaay. [hesitant look at signs] Joel, you top yourself with each new post. These are crummy.

    The "uncaged bikers" sign: I also have a problem with their slogan at the top of the sign. Are they loving both God and people? Or are they loving God and ARE a loving people? Hard to tell. Maybe both. Maybe neither. It's confusing.

    Last year, two of my students got into an argument over whether Jesus had dark or light skin. I had to break it up before it got ugly, and told them to take the conversation out of my classroom (as it was disrupting the lecture). Another student later told me that the two had carried their argument as far as writing graffiti replies to each other in one stall of our building's men's room. [very deep sigh]

  2. Sounds like the part of Jesus is now being played by Kathryn Hays.
