Sunday, August 6, 2006

400 Crummy Church Signs!!

The four signs at the bottom of this post make up signs #397-400 that have been reviewed on Crummy Church Signs. And it is apparent from the continuing lack of quality that this blog is doing little, if anything, to stop the spread of this tripe. Ah well, it's fun for me to write and hopefully fun for you all to read.

MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT TO CELEBRATE 400 CRUMMY SIGNS: I am in the final stages of developing and I will begin uploading soon!! I will continue to update this blog, and the new website will simply serve as an archive, with funny categories, halls of fame, halls of shame, a page for frequent contributors, the Map of Crumminess, and some fun surprises as well. With that being said, if you are a frequent contributor (and if you think you are, then you are), feel free to email me a short 2-line bio of yourself as well as a picture and a link (or two) to any web presence you would like to be linked to (a blog, a website, a church, etc.). For those of you who have frequently submitted and have blogs of your own, I used whatever picture you use on your blog profile, and I linked to your blog. Feel free to correct any of that you would like corrected. It's sort of a "street team" approach, for those of you familiar with music/band marketing. This is a little way for me to say "thanks" for helping this blog run smoothly. I really wish I could afford to do more.

Look for the launch of later on this week!! I will post here when it is ready.

On with the reviews:

"Little is huge with God in it."
So, if I take something huge and put God in it, it becomes little? I really beg to differ.

"Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one wants to die."
submitted by Emily Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Try telling that to Charles Bronson.

"If you don't set any goals, you're sure to hit them."
Submitted by Micah Larsen, sign from Wisconsin
The literal opposite of this sign being, "If you do set goals, you're sure to not hit them." Nice.

"Be an artist. Draw on God."
Better yet, be an idolater and draw God.

Send more in here.


  1. "God is good without the extra 'o' "

    And Satan is Stan without the extra 'a'.

    - i'm sorry, this one was quality! had to get that out.

  2. Whew. The onslaught of crumminess continues unabated.

    Joel, these are exceptionally bad. Nice going! I'm laughing and cringing at the same time.

  3. ""Be an artist. Draw on God.""

    Now that's just disturbing, however you want to look at it.

    I think I will draw a happy face on God today?

  4. ...draw God.

    Choked on my diet coke.
