Monday, July 3, 2006

Alas, poor readers....

Or not saved.
That is the question."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageously bad church signs, or to take arms against a sea of crumminess, and by opposing end them?

"Satan can never knock you farther than your knees."
submitted by Jennifer Bezaire, Smyrna, TN
Try telling that to this guy (the one on the right).

Went a little highbrow on you on that first review, so I had to revert back to my inner 12-year old on the second one to make up for it.

Celebrating my first July 4th as an American citizen tomorrow. Have a good one. Send 'em in.


  1. LOL!!!! Awesome! I appreciate this post even more than usual due to the Shakespeare theme. Hilarious!

    Happy 4th, Joel, and congrats on your American citizenship, too!

  2. Good on ya, Joel! (Official Red-State congratulatory exclamation.)

    The first signmaker can rest easy at night knowing he has it all over that Shakespeare guy. Next week: Christian sonnets?

  3. Out of pure nosiness, where did you live before?

  4. Ontario, Canada, from birth until 16 yrs.
