Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"God is loving you every moment."

submitted AND reviewed by Emily Bezaire, TN
With Open Arms, no less. Look: I like the sentiment, but this is about one overwrought step away from a Steve Perry lyric. Without the great hair to go with it.

"Salvation guaranteed or your sins back."
submitted by Aubrey McKelvey, TN
Even lust?!? YESSSSSSS!

"Prevent truth decay. Read your Bible daily."
submitted by Sandi, TN
Hi, folks. We're Christians. Not only do we make ridiculously cheesy puns ("Prevent truth decay, brush up on your Bible"), we're so crazy that we forget what those puns actually are and botch them on our own signs. Welcome to our church.

"Enjoy your walk through the garden of life."
...and don't forget to stop and smell the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Keep 'em coming.

By the way...if all blogs were comic book characters, humor-blogs.com would be Galactus.