Thursday, February 15, 2007

I suppose it's like a metric pilgrim...

submitted by new contributors Sally and Aaron Gates, AK
"Pilgrams" also gave smallpox to Native Americans. Next.


submitted by Sally and Aaron Gates, AK
Well...only if He brings the cranberry sauce.

submitted by frequent contributor Suzi H.
You should see what they say about March.

I realize that backwards "3" is supposed to be an ampersand...but it's really easy to ignore (or miss), and gives this sign a WHOOOOOLE new meaning. much can an ampersand cost?

submitted AND reviewed by Suzi H.
A soul NEAR me?!? What about MINE?!?

submitted AND reviewed by Suzi H.
You don't even want to know what it takes to know women.

Sorry for the Thanksgiving themed signs...Sally and Aaron were saving the pictures up for when they started their own blog of crummy church signs. Then they found my blog and gave up and just sent them to me. I love it when I crush hopes and dreams. Really, it's why I became a teacher. Seriously...thanks Sally and Aaron!! (and Suzi, who came strong again this time). is hitting on your significant other right now.


  1. Something about "stuffing" Jesus anywhere makes me shudder. If we have to "stuff him in," does that mean he wouldn't be there willingly? And if that's true, should we really try to wedge him in like so many wedge-able things?
    In a Thanksgiving Day context, this just makes me even more uncomfortable. Cram Jesus up the turkey! Bake at 450 for 6 hrs.

  2. Once again, I'm astounded by the awfulness of these signs. I always seem to think it can't get any worse...and then new people send in new signs. Egads.

  3. The thought of Jesus 'coming' anywhere doesn't really do it for me! ;0}

  4. I don't think it was the pilgrims what gave smallpox to the Indians. Not on purpose, anyway.
