Monday, May 21, 2007

Calling Out Diesel!

First of all, you need to go read Diesel's rather amusing review of Spiderman 3. After reading it, I just wish he had told us how he felt about it.

Second, in his review he claims to have a large array of comic book knowledge. I tend to think that I do as well. I think it would be fun to have a comic-book trivia challenge, featuring the authors of two of the highest rated blogs on We would both write about the contest on our respective blogs, of course, giving two completely biased opinions of the outcome.

It sounds like Diesel has more Marvel knowledge, while I tend more towards DC. So, the questions would have to be balanced between both universes.

We would also need a moderater to create questions and act as judge. This should be someone with some comic book knowledge themselves (or willing to do a lot of research), though obviously they can't have as much comic book knowledge as Diesel or me, since that would cause a rift in the multiverse.

So you accept? Name your requirements for combat, and we shall set a date and time!!

Also, potential moderators may apply for the position in the comments section.

Let us, once and for all, decide who is the bigger geek!!


  1. Cool! I would apply for moderator, but my comic book knowledge is fading fast... must be some kryptonite in my desk drawers or something...

  2. if your contest involves Winnie Winkle, count me in. also, Archie, because, well, i always liked him as a kid. ; ) xox neva

  3. Would be willing to moderate, if you gave me a few days to come up with the questions.

    I'd like to get just a little fine tuning based on both of your knowledges. For example, I don't want to drop a few 90's era Image questions on you if you both gave up the hobby by 1985, for example.

    You can contact me at this login name - at - gmail, and of course I'll be monitoring this page.

  4. Man, I don't know. I mean, I'm game to be humiliated, but I honestly haven't read a comic book in 15 years. So we would have to focus on the late 80s/early 90s. And yeah, I mostly followed Marvel, particularly Spidey, and to a lesser extent Daredevil.

    Every once in a while I pick up a comic in a store and the pages are all glossy and the price is like $4.95 and the drawings are all stylized and there's all kinds of stuff going on that I don't understand and then I put it down and go home and cry a little.

    Gimme back my $.65 pulp Spidey comix!
