Thursday, May 17, 2007

I INVENTED the "It's not you, it's me!"....

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
Okay, now that we've solved that:
God I have a problem. It's this sign.....

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
I'm a little glad that they didn't qualify their possessive. Thank God for mother's what? There's likely a filthy "yo' mama" joke waiting to be made there.

"Thank God for yo' mama's...."

Apostrophe's are hard.

"The open door of blessing"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
Right next to the closed door of cursing.

"Smooth paths and comfortable living create weak saints."
submitted AND asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
But I'm still a saint? In heaven? Deal.

The first five times I read this, I thought it said "smooth pants". Man, was I confused. More than normal.

Child, I have a's

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Thank God for mother's grammer lessons, now I is as smarter than ever : )

  2. I thought it said "smooth pants" the first two times I read it online!

    Makes me want to put something about smooth pants on our own church's sign.

    Hey Joel, do you dare me to come up with something really, really crummy and put it on our church's sign on purpose and wait and see if someone else submits it?

  3. Where do you guys get this stuff from? People should pray for grammar enlightenment. We don't have any church signs over here, how boring, but we do have videos like this one about Automatic Confession.

  4. I triple-dog-dare you guys to come up with something terrible and put it on your own church's sign.

    Joel: you mean nobody at your home church knows you run CCS?

    The apostrophe's are hurting me, like. The sentence fragments are.

  5. JATB:

    Better idea:

    Put "Google "Crummy Church Signs" to see why we don't put a slogan up"
    on your church sign.

  6. Mother's Day is often difficultto preach, but Pastor Leroy "Biff" Jerky had a good idea. "When I call out 'Thank God for Mother's___,' you're gonna respond with something about your Mother that you are thankful for!" It was short-lived, however, since the third person who spoke up responded with the word "departure."

    "Smooth paths and comfortable living create weak saints." You just know that there's a minister who's fed up with whiny parishioners behind this sign.

  7. Just noticed...
    The first letters of the third through the sixth blog listed in your blogroll spell out "FEET."

  8. Me and my rough pant's are so making it into a higher level of heaven than you.

  9. Seriously, I read smooth pants, too. Maybe it's a subliminal message, like the ones you get when you listen to all those rock 'n' roll albums backward.
