Thursday, May 31, 2007

Woody Guthrie is God?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Jennie S., IN
Last weeks sign: "If I could turn back time...If I could find a way...." - God.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
...until your pears are sliced by bears and you dare to have your hair cut by mares.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
So it's OK to give up and let somebody else try for a while? That's not what this says.

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
So if I have a cold burden do I get the cold shoulder?

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
I prefer my "Love Communities" Medium Rare. Or better yet....Rare.

"Race worship - Saturday 7 pm"
submitted AND reviewed by Mike T., Indianapolis, Indiana. Seen during Indy 500 week.
This week's sermon presented by Head Klansman Jimbo.... oh race!

"If good men would only be better, would the wicked be so bad?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Les DuLunch, GA
If fried chicken only tasted better, would castor oil taste so bad?

Joel's note: I love that a church would claim "Good men" on their sign. Maybe they should read this, verses 10-18.

"Mother is Another Word for Love"
submitted AND reviewed by new contributor Joy C., NC
Actually, mother is another word for mom.

"Signs been changed. Have you?"
submitted by new contributor Joy C., NC
The baby in the backseat with the clean diaper cackled approvingly at this sign.

“God gives you the nuts. Don’t expect Him to crack them.”
submitted by Terry B., OR
God also gives you the balls. Don't expect Him to hit them with a bat.

God's awfully generous like that.

"Common sense isn't so common anymore."
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
Take, for example, what most churches put on their marquees....

"May education never become as expensive as ignorance."
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
No kidding...I've been paying off my Ignoramus Loans for years now.

"If God doesn't exist, how do you explain chocolate?"
submitted by Gordon W., Vancouver BC
I think this pretty much sums it up.

If you're going to do this sign, you should not ask to explain something that is clearly man-made. Just ask Kirk Cameron.


"God is not a cosmic teddy bear who winks at sin."
submitted by Andy K., IN
HA! So the ancient Mayans were WRONG!

"God will let you get away with it, until suddenly..."
submitted by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
Yes, folks. God is restraining his temper at the moment, and one day He's gonna snap and take us all out. He's pretty freakin' unstable.

How about: "God is heartbroken over your sin. He's giving you a chance to turn to Him before you die. Please take it."

It makes God sound a little more like God and a little less like Jules and Vincent from Pulp Fiction.

There were some questions on the "God's Storehouse" picture from two posts ago. David tells us that the sign on the right of the building says "His Banner Over Me is Love", and we can only see the part I highlighted in red. Thanks, David!

I must have some linky love somewhere on the interweb, because I received a TON of submissions from new readers and new submitters. Thanks a lot to all of you! I would like to take a moment to clarify my submission policy. If I don't use your signs, it just means that I have already used them. Please don't get discouraged and please keep sending them in. I am eternally grateful for the hard work that everyone does in making this thing work. Thanks for reading.

I have appealed my case from the previous post to Google. I will keep you updated.
----------------------------------------------------------- will let you get away with it, until suddenly...

Keep 'em coming.


  1. "Love Community"? Ick.

    Thanks for the link to the Cameron video. Priiiiicless.

  2. "Common sense is not so common." Apparently, God has a crush on Voltaite.

    Every generation complains that the younger generation doesn't do things right like they used to be done.
