Monday, May 21, 2007

I've been wondering that myself for quite some time...

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall H., FL
Seriously, folks...we can't put a message up on our marquee until somebody tells us what we stand for!

Man, if there was ever a sign that better encapsulated modern American Christianity in fewer words, I haven't seen it.


submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall H., FL filthy maggot!
"I never considered church before, but now that they've compared it to the Army, color me interested!"
submitted by new contributor Chris J., CA
Gluttony: One of the Seven Potentially Comic Sins.
"God Makes It. We Mess It."
submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
The bed?
"If you don't like the way the cookie crumbles, try the bread of life"
submitted by frequent contributor Adam W.
Now they tell me. I've been trying "The Rhubarb Pie of Death" for weeks now. And let me tell you, it is not very satisfying.
"Our congregation is like fudge. Mostly sweet with a few nuts."
And some dried-up raisins, too.
Seriously...wouldn't you just turn around and go home if this was on your church marquee?
"Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait."
So is "looking for a quality church sign".

Still no response from Diesel about the challenge I offered him in my last post (which I feel the need to link to, even though you can just scroll down a few inches and read it). It does appear we have had a moderator offer his services (Thanks, DrObviousSo!!), so I just need a worthy challenger. Or Diesel.
Don't give God instructions, just report to


  1. My pleasure Joel. I've had a few ideas about how to set up the contest. It should be fun.

  2. "Those who get to big for their britches . . ." Exactly what is the process of bigging for one's britches, and how does one get to do this? Is bigging for one's britches like singing for one's supper?

  3. Urrrgh!
    It's "too" big. "too" big!
    For the love of God (seriously!), get it right!

  4. It reminds me of a sign I saw this week in front of a school. Apparently they were having "Honor's Day" this past Monday. (Too bad there's not a site for crummy school signs.)

  5. Oh and you've got to love the backwards "N's" on the "to big" sign.

  6. And the colon is upside down. These people seriously don't give a rat's heinie, do they?

  7. Those who get to big for their britches should BUY A VOWEL, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!
