Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Where's my cigar?

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Randall H., FL
This is a great sign...for me to poop on.

"What would Jesus say to Hillary Clinton?"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
JESUS: (sighing) Why not? It's not like you could do much worse.

"Life is a puzzle. Look here for the missing peace."
This sign is a puzzle. Better just to give up on it.

Humor-blogs.com is just "dot com" added to humor-blogs

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Why didn't they ask what Jesus would say to George W. Bush? No offense, but I doubt it would be "heckuva job."

  2. LOL! Nice Triumph reference.

  3. These are priceless. I would like for my 11 cats to poop on all these signs.

  4. Ooooh wow. WWJS? THC?

    I dunno. 'Nice boobs?'


  5. I do love any dog that's a stand-up comic. If he chews on a cigar, as well, then I'm all sold.

    Btw, I'm here because every damn comment you leave on Diesel's site makes me laugh.

  6. "Try Umph! It gets your whites whiter and your brights brighter!"

    What would Jesus say to either Hillary or Dubya? Probably "Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me."
