Tuesday, May 15, 2007

She brought this world into this world, and she can take it out of it...

submitted by frequent contributor Chuck S.
Worship was scheduled at 10:30 so it didn't conflict with her Bunko game.

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Wes Kenney, OK
...then charge people 10 times its value to have it delivered to someone on a made-up holiday.
Perhaps they should take their own advice in their front yard...then they wouldn't have to worry about not mowing their grass.
"When is the last time you heard of a Jew or Christian with a bomb strapped to their body?"
seen on WRAL, North Carolina. Submitted by Ferd Ferfel.
It was around the same time I heard of a Muslim shooting up an abortion clinic.
Just...wow. I can't decide if this sign deserves a long rant or if it just speaks for itself...
Ferd also notes that if you visit the link provided, they spelled "Christian" wrong. Why am I not surprised?
"What do you spend more time doing: Work, Watching TV, Reading the Bible?"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
I work a minimum of eight hours most days. Is this sign telling me I should read the Bible MORE than eight hours a day? When would I watch TV?
What do you spend more time doing: work, watching TV, reading humor-blogs.com ?


  1. I read the article on the Good News Independant Baptist Church in Spring Hope North Carolina. They say it is not a sign of hate for the Muslims in the community just the religion. I don't think Acts 17:22 says "your religion sucks!everything your have ever believed in is wrong. Would you like to join our Bible study?" but if it did it was probably in the KJV *smirk* The problem with most of these crummy signs is they totally alienate the very people Christ commissioned us to reach. C.S. Lewis said in The Great Divorce "There have been some who were so preoccupied with spreading Christianity that they never gave a thought to Christ."

  2. I unfortunately spend the majority of my waking hours working...in fact 11-12 out of my 18 hours are working ones.

  3. I think Bunko is a new cult!
    My mom has a group of 12-20 women that come over to her house to play this "game". They all rotate at different houses. Doesn't that seem a little shady? Okay yeah most of the women are between the ages of 50 and 75, but somethin is going on!!!

  4. Whew. These signs are among the worst. That next-to-last one is a real stinker.

  5. I love church signs that promote the idea that Christians are better than other people. Because that's really the core of Christianity right there.
