Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Behold, the bounty of God's provision.

submitted by frequent contributor David Jacks, TX
I can only hope my "teasures in heaven" can measure up...

submitted by Mike Jones, AL
You mean...He hasn't already?!?

"Under the Influence"
submitted AND reviewed by Megan W.
Of what? Of whom?

"Elevate Live Teens"
submitted by frequent contributor Jennifer B.
...and keep repressing the dead ones.

Elevate humor-blogs.com

Keep 'em coming.


  1. You mean he will rise this Saturday? At 11? I'll be there!

  2. If he is going to rise again, does he has to die again? Does that mean he was born again? Maybe that guy in Florida really is Jesus!!!!

  3. And why the fricken asterisk????

  4. *offer void where prohibited.

  5. I know nothing of these "teasures" in heaven of which you speak. Is that the certainty that it isn't just dirty water in your cup? That would make things more heavenly!
    Anyhow, the "storehouse" thing is a reference to Malachi 3:10, I think. That, or it's the place where the "harvest" of souls is kept for the time being.
    The junker car still makes it funny, though.

  6. I'm puzzled by the sideways sign in front of the beater in the Storehouse garage.

    It reads "E R (the r is crooked) ME IS LO."
