Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Too posts in a row!

submitted by frequent contributor Christine
Just another sign to further infuriate our resident English teachers.

Not to mention those who passed 4th grade.

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
If an "S&L" marriage means one with no "PM activities", then you can count me out.

Feel free to post your own possible interpretations of "S&L" in the comments section.


submitted by new contributor Sonja, HI
So he was horny but now he's not? If one needs to be "zen" to understand this sign, then no wonder I passed on Buddhism.

Also....my first non-Christian church sign! And before all the Christians get holier-than-thou, please remember we're working on something like a 600-1 ratio here.
Once again, I am a finalist in Diesel's caption challenge. And I get a nice little shout-out for having more than one funny entry. Vote for the best caption here.
Speaking of Diesel, I think I will be able to talk him into my challenge. Just need to sweeten the pot a little.....I will keep you updated.
On my head, I found a humor-blogs.com....


  1. Maybe they meant an "SNL" marriage: a marriage in which both partners watch Saturday Night Live every week.

    A Savings & Loan marriage? A Sex and Love marriage?

  2. JATB beat me to my interpretations. $#%@!

    Sick & Lazy? Sausage & Limburger?

  3. Maybe it is the step just before "S & M"?

    Hey, I saw this one yesterday, I need to get a pick:

    "Even Jesus Had A Fish Story"

    So, go ahead and tell that lie!

  4. Oh wow, Peter! That's awful!

    S&L is a snazzy IM slang term for sandal. (S-AND-L) Is your marriage a sandal marriage? Probably "Salt & Light." You know how those Christians are.

    On that first one, I missed the first "to," so I read it as "We are blessed to be depressed."

    So the guy found a broken horn on his head? Probably a saxophone.

    verification word: xgmuvy - What kids say now instead of "cool!"

  5. Allen, you are SO WRONG! [falls out of chair laughing]

    And for the record: the to/too error no longer infuriates me. Instead, I have to fight the nearly-irresistable urge to run out in front of a Mack truck.

  6. S&L = Sweet & Low. c'mon, everyone has been to a Denny's and seen those little packets of artificial sweetener.

  7. I thought it said "we are blessed to be depressed" to.

    That sign would irritate psychologists as well as English teachers. If that sign prevents one person from getting the medication they need to deal with their depression, it will have done its job.

    How about if we have a contest for who can draw the better Spider-Man?

  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who misread my own submission. NO ONE in our family caught the first "to" because it was above the second one and it is gramatically incorrect. Every one of us fixed it in our brains to read "We are blessed to be depressed." That explains my "review" of thinking that attending the Church of Happiness up the road might be a mistake! ;)
