Sunday, June 24, 2007

Made Him Blink!

From the Bette Midler school of theology.
At each other's throats the other 364 days of the year.
"Looking for a life lifegaurd? Ours walks on the water."
submitted by new contributor Sam Sarkissian, CA
Well I guess that's not much help if I'm drowning underwater, is it?
"God the builder: Can He fix it? Yes He can!"
submitted by Rowan McAlpine, Wellington, NZ
Next week's sign: "Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Uhhh...."
(By the way the above church sign from New Zealand is referencing the theme song to the kids' show "Bob The Builder", for those of you unfamiliar with kids' shows. You're on your own to figure out the snarky comment.)
Can fix it? No, it can't.


  1. I got a kink in my neck from looking up!

  2. We have that same "Looking for a lifeguard" quote at one of the churches here in Georgia. Every time I drive past I think, "no...don't need a lifeguard. Do you have any accountants?"

  3. "In one accord." Hmmmm. Reminds me of the old joke-- "The only way to get four Baptists in one accord is to put them in a Honda!"

  4. God is looking down on you. And so are we.

  5. can CrummyJoel "fix" our need to have another hilarious post in THE SNARK??

    yes, yes he can!! (and this week's is a doozy! thanks for another stellar post, kind sir. you rock. even if you can't walk on water! (can you?) ; )
