Sunday, June 10, 2007

Enjoy Success by Redefining It

submitted by new contributor Jamie Martinez, FL
The complete opposite of Prosperity Gospel preaching. Maybe too far in the other direction?

submitted by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
So now you're telling me my wife owns me and I didn't even make her pay enough?

submitted AND asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC
Coming next Sunday: "Mary and your ovary". The following Sunday: "Jesus and your...."
Never mind.
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Suzi H., NC, not beer. Gotcha.
"My way is the Highway -God"
submitted by new contributor Jamie
Well I wish God would get all of those orange barrels out of my way.
"Go against the grain of God's law and you will get splinters."
submitted by new contributor Mary C.
...for this is the first commandment with promise.
"Download your worries, upload peace."
submitted by new contributor Mary C.
Or, become a Christian and do the complete opposite.
And, finally, a non crummy sign brought to us by our popular frequent contributor Nickie A. from Alabama.
From the looks of things, she's not "Nickie A." anymore.
Congratulations, Nickie!!

Download , upload laughs. Or something like that.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Ah, the first signs of summer; the weather warms up the days get longer and the church signs tell me that swim suits and beach parties are EVIL!!

  2. in the vein of pop culture,I'm waiting for the church sign that says,"Who could you be praying to 50 times a day??..IDK my BFF God?"
    uh-oh I've called it into being.

  3. This is hysterical. I love this...what great satire!!! Brilliant blog. I salute you.

    Somedays my humor is fresh and good...usually very sarcastic. Some days...I'm just not funny....because what I write about is serious.
    I love your blog.


  4. Congrats Nikki!

    A pox on ya Joel! Calling it into being? How could you?

  5. Joel, I not only love it, I'm gonna run right out and put it on my church sign!

  6. Do my eyes deceive me at this resolution, or does that final non-crummy sign have "their" spelled incorrectly?
