Sunday, June 17, 2007

Next Week: "My Three Sons"...wait, that's not going to work...

submitted by frequent contributor Duane B., VA
Happy Father's Day, everyone. Props to Duane for the post title today.

submitted by new contributor Kristin Howell, MO
I've heard they're in the market for some new folks to help out in the nursery...
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Chuck S.
Another church hits new Lowe's.
"It is a wise father who knows his own son."
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Allen
I dare them to set the bar for "wisdom" any lower.
"Just Jew It."
submitted by new contributor Sean Quiqley, WI
...with our new sneakers, "Air Jordan Rivers".
That last one marks the first sign from a Synagogue. I have now received signs from a mosque, a snynagogue, A Buddhist temple, a surf shop, a tattoo shop, and a few hundred churches. Jamie also sent me one from a mechanic this week, but it was a message I had already reviewed ("An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"...I believe my review back in the day was something along the lines of "At least then we wouldn't be subjected to these church signs." There, I just reviewed it again. Add an auto mechanic to the list.) knows best.


  1. I'd like to see the service that pleases both stoners and tweakers. Most of my church's members aren't on anything stronger than blood pressure medication, and we still have to have 2 services.

  2. WHAT is a 'tweaker'?! I love your site - this stuff is hilarious and so are your witty comments. Unfortunately, I can't send this blog to a lot of my Christian friends/family - they, alas, are not gifted with a wicked sense of humour like us. :)
    I will now be on the lookout for crummy signs (I do see them in my travels around New England where I live) and will be sure to send you anything worthy of posting.
    Be well...
