Sunday, June 3, 2007

Start your very own prison ministry...

submitted by new contributor Heather
"Jesus loves the little children..."

submitted by frequent contributor Micah L., MN
Well that's nice. At least this way, when they're done "touching everyone for Jesus" they can deliver them flowers afterwards.

submitted by frequent contributor Micah L., MN
Please, just keep your eyes open if you're driving.

This must be the 20th different submitted sign that likens praying to a phone or cell phone. It wouldn't surprise me if there were another one this post.

submitted by frequent contributor Micah L., MN
submitted by Indie Davis, TN
Msg. from the thief: What part of Romans 12:14 don't you get?

submitted by frequent contributor Rev. Arnold Hendrix, AL
Is this church having a fund raising drive for Flux Capacitors?
"Download your worries, get online with God."
submitted by new contributor Michael G., MO
I think this sign contracted a virus. I don't know about you, but I download things that I want.
"If you're not asking for God's forgiveness you are asking for it."
submitted by new contributor Anjanette Eash
Finally! The Gospel in an easy-to-understand nutshell!
"Death to a Christian is a transfer to the home office."
submitted by new contributor Anjanette Eash
Death to a non-Christian is like a transfer to the Scranton Branch.
"God and Braveheart: What do they have in common?"
submitted by new contributor Abram H., NV
Besides the fact that they'd both improve their image if Mel Gibson wasn't involved?
I realized after I updated my template that it is pretty darn similar to my counterpart Peter's at Stupid Church Signs. Sorry, Peter. It wasn't at all intentional. There must be something about this template that screams "Use me for church signs". I might tweak my colors a bit to differentiate the two.

Touch everyone for


  1. Our parish could use the "Thou Shalt Not Steal" sign this week.


    That reference to "The Office" had me laughing out loud! (Hubby just got me hooked on it a couple of months ago.)

    BTW, thanks for upgrading me to "Frequent Contributor!" Such an honor!

  2. Re: the thief.

    I wish I could have gotten a picture of the church down the road with the message; "Please bring back our letters."

    And another cheer for the reference to the Scranton Branch. :)

  3. okay -- these are hilarious!

    almost as hilarious, i hasten to add, as the HILARIOUS POST you did for us on the Snark today. thank you so much Crummy (but not really) Joel for such a wonderful "letter"! you rock! cross my heart and hope to, um, be "saved" if and when i die (which better not be for a long long time, cuz i still have lots of stuff to do)

    seriously, that post was just plain funny, and i hope all your friends get a chance to see it!) xox

  4. Isn't the "Pray as you go plan" God's plan?

    "Grab to the future"?
    I would probably make fun of that one if I could understand it. Although, after the "touch everyone for Jesus" sign, maybe "grab to the future" is appropriate.

    Oh! BTW, God always paints his face blue before going into battle. It's sky camouflage!

  5. My question is why would God need to put me on hold? Isn't he omnipotent AND omnipresent? If God put me on hold I'd think He was just being a jerk.

  6. Mel Gibson made Braveheart the greatest movie ever. Enough said.
