Tuesday, June 5, 2007


In an effort to fill some really big shoes, I am guest posting over at Central Snark today. Check out my letter to the person in front of me at a concert last week.

Thanks, as always, to my wonderful friends at the Snark.

Hope you enjoy...back with more signs tomorrow.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. BRAVO, Joel! *claps wildly*

    you did a fantastic job in the Snark today! : ) xox

  2. Speaking of a snarky comments, who taught you website design? What is it with all the "Click here for ..."

    That went out like when, 1997? If people are so clueless as to not know to what to do with a link, THEY SHOULDN'T BE USING THE INTERNET!


  3. Well played, "anonymous".

    I taught myself, which is why www.crummychurchsigns.com sucks and is going away soon.

  4. and you did a great job over at the snark...

    signed, one of the snarking ladies

    otehr people´s hair in my mouth doesnæt do it for me either, glad you did went, hope it does not keep you from going to another concert. Maybe you can smell real bad, people´ll give you space, that way...it will be them bloggign annoyed about you on soem website ;)
