Monday, June 11, 2007

Crummy Church Sign Shirts Now Available

You didn't ask for them! But here they are anyhow! Visit the new Crummy Church Sign Store at Zazzle to order Crummy Church Sign T-Shirts. Available in black, grey, navy, forest green, and dark red.

So far 3 designs are available, and I will add more later if these seem to amuse you all.
The first design features the slogan of this whole operation: "Critical Analyses of Critically Bad Church Signs"

The second one says "600+ Church Signs CAN be wrong."

...and the final one says "It's not that God doesn't have a sense of humor. It's that he has a GOOD one."

The bottom of this page has my store and features all of my shirts for sale. Or you can bookmark this link. If you don't feel a purchase is in order, one can hardly blame you. However, if you feel like ranking my shirts highly because you like them, that wouldn't hurt my feelings! Remember, they're customizable to more colors than just black.

These shirts also signify a transition...along with the blog's new layout and design. I will eventually be switching everything over to this blog, and will redirect here. The old address will work here as well, but the dedicated address will just point to the blog.

The reasons the archives are going away are: 1) I don't have time to update them and 2) The web design sucks, as was so helpfully pointed out by "anonymous" in the comments section here a while back. He may not have had the stones to own up to his constructive criticism...but that doesn't mean he was wrong.

I think this blog can handle everything the old archives did. Sure, the Hall of Fame and Trophy Room are going away, but isn't it more fun to look through the old posts anyhow? Isn't it? Anyone?!?

Any feedback on the shirts is appreciated. Feel free to use the comments section. Is there any interest in T-shirts that have a lame slogan along with my snarky response? I personally think those would be awkward, but whatever.

I beat to having T-Shirts.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. clever man. way to pimp a new product on the same day (or next one, whatever) you do a COMPLETELY HILARIOUS POST on the Snark! not that your posts aren't completely hilarious, here, too, but well, a little extra traffic probably won't hurt.

    although, i'm thinking WE get more traffic over there for your appearances, than you do here -- but that's beside the point. the point, for i have one on the tip of my finger, is that, um... lovelovelove this shirt! guess id best order one o' them, soon, before you run out! ; ) xox

  2. I really NEED me some of them shirts! Real bad.
