Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bringing Snarkyback

Once again they're bringing in a bench warmer to pinch-hit for the clean-up batter.

I'm back at The Snark today with another letter. This time, it's to that person at the grocery store. Yeah, you know the one.

Also, I have added a fourth shirt to my Zazzle store. This one is special for all of you who have been dubbed "frequent contributors". Or those of you who wish you were dubbed "frequent contributors". Or those of you who just like how "frequent contributors" looks on a shirt. Check out the store here.

Keep 'em coming (which appears on the aforementioned shirt as well).


  1. you failed to mention that THIS Snarkyback post is EVERY BIT AS HILARIOUS as the one you did for us last week.

    no worries -- pretty sure i just did it for you! ; ) xox


    Joel, the shirts are KILLER! CAn I order one from Zazzle? I hope so. I'll wear it to class...with pride.

  3. Yep. You can customize to the size/style/color you want, then order away.

  4. have you ever noticed that the person in the grocery store with the convoy of carts and paying with a check also seems to have some kind of coupon for EVERYTHING that they never can seem to locate!

    also, love the t-shirts Diesel's probably jealous. I need to get one that says, "this t-shirt belongs to the Other Joel"

  5. Actually, Joel, I think Diesel is wondering whatever happened to me offering to set up a Zazzle store for humor-blogs and/or Mattress Police.

    Keep your eyes peeled...
