Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Snarkin' on Snobs

It's time once again for my guest post at Central Snark. Hope you enjoy it as I light up a rock-n'-roll snob that I recently encountered.

Back with more crumminess tomorrow.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. and may i just say...this letter may be your BEST one, to date! (of course, i tend to think that about each letter, because i swear they just keep gettin' funnier and funnier!)

    WELL DONE!! and HAHAHAHAHA! : ) xox

  2. Excellent post, Joel. And how come you're Joel_from_CCS now? I liked Crummy Joel better. Or maybe Crumbly Joe. Mmmm, that sounds like a cookie.

  3. It's a long story...I am taking a Web 2.0 workshop for education, including some stuff about blogging. So I changed my handle (temporarily) to something that was a little less silly for the sake of the other attendees.

    It'll be back soon.
