Thursday, July 5, 2007

I Can't Drive Sixty-Five

My full humor blogs dot com review has been posted.

I "earned" a respectable score of 65 (69 being the highest score given so far, I think), which I was somewhat surprised with, given the one-trick-pony nature of my blog.

Thanks to all the fine reviewers who took the time to peruse the site, and thanks for the suggestions. Thanks to Diesel for setting up the review process for all of us. Oh, and Diesel, about Dionne: You're right, I knew.

Tomorrow...back with more crumminess. But not TOO much, because I now want my post lengths to be shorter :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the linkage - very kind. I'm proud of that score.

    One trick pony or not, I think your blog works fine.

