Wednesday, July 11, 2007

For God's Next Act: Squaring The Circle

submitted by frequent contributor Micah L., MN
I bet Moses sure wishes God had summed it up like this for him. Would have saved him an awful lot of writing in Genesis.

God is apparently now looking to drunken French mathematicians/philosophers for His inspiration. Nice.

submitted by new contributor Amy Jones, AL
Note to self: When starting our church, make sure and spell the church's name correctly on our permanent sign.

"In Dependance of God"
submitted by frequent contributor Sandi Y., TN
...and independent from dictionaries, too!
----------------------------------------------------------------- exists, therefore you are.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. The grammarians shoudda called 'em commandments if they expected us to follow their piddly little rules.

  2. I liked Descartes other quote; "Cogito Eggo sum- I think therefore I am a waffle."

    wasn't that other one quoted by Robin Williams in "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"-I think therefore you is?

    the Depend-dance. I think that's what you do when you have to go to the bathroom really bad and you don't have any adult diapers. What the relevance is, I have no idea.

  3. I thought that said "Soul's Horror", until I took a closer look.

  4. So we exist merely because God does? It has nothing to do with "I made you, therefore..."
    My favorite Descartes spoof is either "Foeteo, ergo sum": "I stink therefore I am," or "Rosacius, ergo Spami": I'm pink, therefore I'm Spam." Or is that, "Spam I am"...?

    Oh, and a "horbor" is a restrictively-small overnight holding cell for drunks and derelicts that was popular during whaling's heyday. Thus, souls are delivered FROM the horbor.
    I think this may be the first sign we've seen on which the minister's name was actually in larger letters than the church's.

    Even if that last one were spelled correctly, it would still be wrong grammatically! Double Crumminess Score! Woo-hoo!

  5. I'm confused: Is Nancy Laster, Sr. the pastor or is Nancy Laster the Senior Pastor?

    (Try saying that three times really fast...)

  6. I would have a hard time going to a church that used the word deliverance, not once, but twice. Can you hear the dueling banjoes people?

  7. Bro. Wes:

    I think you meant "faster". :)

  8. The Ironic CatholicJuly 11, 2007 at 5:54 PM

    Officially freakin out.

    That first sign is from my town! I've seen that sign!

    Now why didn't I take a picture of it first?

    (Hi Micah--I don't know you but you must live nearby or be here for the Shakespeare Festival....)

    p.s. Joel: Cogito Eggo Sum...that's hilarious. I'm going to have to use that. I'll credit you.

  9. okay, so i first read that top sign as:

    I exist. Therefore, YOU are God.

    well done me, eh? ; )
