Sunday, July 29, 2007

And I give it an F.

submitted (and post title) by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA

Answers like that are where "E) All of the Above" comes in handy.

submitted by frequent contributor Ryan D., MI
And, starting today, prayer also costs $4.95 a shot.

submitted by frequent contributor Ryan D., MI
Jesus hit the disciples' knuckles with wooden rulers?!?

"God is looking for people with transparent integrity"
submitted AND reviewed by frequent contributor Kelly Quinn, TX
Is transparent integrity like Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? Even God can't see you?

Thanks also to Ryan who directed me to this recent article by the Christian Post, that quotes yours truly.

Apparently, journalism is quite simple these days: Instead of actually contacting a source for a quote, just look up something he typed somewhere on the internet and disregard the fact that the author may have signed over the rights to that particular piece of work. Oh, and completely forget to credit the website where you found the quote as well.

Other than that, I actually enjoyed the article (really)!

------------------------------------------------------------- is looking for people with transparent clothes.



  1. not just c but d? I don't even understand what they meant to say.

  2. Thanks for giving me the post title, Joel! :-)

    On "Not only C but D:" This particular church's signs NEVER make any sense. I had a couple of students who were lifelong members of this church, and they explained that the pastor is in charge of the signs. Nobody has the heart to tell him his sermon titles make for terrible signs. [sigh]

  3. That's pretty funny that they didn't even bother to contact you for a quote. I guess they decided not to use all that stuff I said about you either.

  4. DUDE!! i am SO giving you an A++++++ along with TWO THUMBS UP for TODAY'S HILARIOUS/CLEVER POST ON THE SNARK!!

    you've been holding out on us, Joel... don't let it happen again. (not that all your other posts aren't wonderful, because they are... but a FILM?? featuring YOU?? WOOHOO!! it's FABULOUS. oh, and more than a little HILARIOUS, too!!) ; )

  5. Diesel:

    They probably won't use profanity at The Christian Post.

    neva: Thankyou!

  6. Church signs are funny. Who knew?
