Friday, July 20, 2007

All in favor?

submitted by frequent contributors Ryan and Nancy DeVries, MI
So let's form a political group called "The Moral Majority".....

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
First things first....what are we playing?

submitted by new contributor John Rottet, NC
Well, I certainly hope they asked the Holy Ghost first.

submitted by Jill Van Horne, NC
Jesus Christ and Air Conditioning...the best inventions since sliced bread.

See...the way they used "cool" as a double meaning...THAT'S how a church sign should be done, folks.

submitted by Jill Van Horne, NC
To make it fair, He doesn't get to use his hands OR his feet.

"Everyone Has The Patience. The Wise Use It."
submitted by frequent contributor Joy Cook, NC
The Patience? Is that sort of like The Force? Is there a "dark side"? Are "The Wise" like Jedis?

"I Love My Church" -Pastor Bruce
submitted and asst. reviewed by frequent contributor Joy Cook, NC
I think I would also love any church dedicated to me.

(Maybe Pastor Bruce should read this...)

"Summer is God's way of saying He loves us!"
submitted by new contributor Sonny Huisman
And February is His way of saying "It's strictly platonic".

Whew...this'll teach me to go on vacation for a couple of days. I'm only about half done catching up. I still have a slew of signs to go. More tomorrow! is Diesel's way of saying He loves us!

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Your comments are killing me.

    I had some patience, but I lost it reading these signs.

  2. i think the Holy Ghost Weenie Roast sign may be the funniest thing i've ever seen. i laughed and laughed and laughed... do people just write this stuff down and not thing "i wonder what it would sound like if i read it out loud?"

  3. The Ironic CatholicJuly 20, 2007 at 7:42 PM

    These are hysterical. I can't even decide which I like best, but I think the last sign and comment hits it on the head.

    Of course, you could have gone with "Yeah, it still annoys God that he didn't think to just say 'summer, come forth' rather than die on the cross."

  4. The Ironic CatholicJuly 20, 2007 at 7:43 PM

    ...although "with JC and AC" may just be the worst sign I've ever seen.

    Oh, decisions, decisions.

  5. I agree with Laur, I've never laughed so hard!

  6. I'd prefer to have a Holy Ghost Rib Roast, if it's all the same to y'all.

  7. summer s gods way saing he loves us: these summers are getting hotter n hotter *in grreece

  8. Being a Lutheran Church, the AC probably refers to the "Augsburg Confession" which is one of the foundational documents of the Lutheran Church, usually used to wave about to prove they are genuine Lutherans.

    - Ex Lutheran -
