Friday, July 27, 2007's alright, I guess.

submitted and reviewed by frequent contributor Mile High Pixie, CO
Is Martha Stewart preaching this Sunday?

submitted by frequent contributor Wes Kenney, OK
In fact, it's probably best if you don't tell God anything. He's pretty busy right now.

"God hates homosexuals, and so do we!"
submitted by new contributor Sammi H., AR
John 3:16: For God so hated homosexuals that He gave His one and only Son, that....

What, no? That's not how it goes?

2 Peter 3:9: ....God is patient with you, not wanting any to perish (except those damned homosexuals)....

No? Not that either??

James 2:10: For whoever keeps the law and yet stumbles at just one point should consider themselves superior to other people and take every opportunity to be condescending....


That Bible can be a pesky little book, especially when it totally disagrees with your "theology".

"If you lie with dogs, you will get fleas."
submitted and asst. reviewed by Steve Sensenig, NC
If there were Pharisees today, this is exactly how they would have spoken to Jesus. ("Don't hang out with those tax collectors and prostitutes, Jesus...If you lie with dogs, you'll get fleas!")

Hey church, I found Jesus for you. I think if you turn around about 180 degrees, you'll find Him.

In case you missed yesterdays post amongst all the book release hubbub, make sure you check out the music video.

Don't tell God how big your is....

Keep 'em coming (We're getting better at using the new email address....please make a note of it.)


  1. WOW, It always surprises me how many people feel the need to slap their bad theology on their church sign. I suppose in a world of low self-esteem that kind of advertising probably works; "WE HATE YOU!!..please join our church" hey maybe that would be a good church sign.

  2. Re: God hates homosexuals

    This is really, really sad. I mean, instead of reaching out with Christian love to people who struggle with homosexual tendancies (and, guess what, Christians? that doesn't mean you say it's okay to do what you want), they just look at them down their noses and "condemn" them.

    So sorry, but I was under the impression that we are not God. *sigh*

    I absolutely LOVE your Biblical responses, though.

    And I had more signs, but we are getting ready to go away (again) this weekend. I'll compile some more for you next week. That one church near me that is such a great source for your blog is due to change signs again. ;)

  3. FYI, there are Pharisees today, and I happen to be one of them. There were several distinct Jewish movements during the Second Temple period, but after the destruction of the Temple in 70 CE, the Pharisees were the only movement that did not eventually go extinct. Pharisee Judaism became known as Orthodox Judaism, and all other groups are direct or indirect offshoots.

    Still, I enjoy your blog since it gives me hope that even in this age where people think that anything goes in religion there are still people who are struggling against the darkness of ignorance and sloppy thinking. Keep up the good work.


  4. I just discovered your website and blog. It continually amazes me how often churches put lame or heretical theology on their signs.

    The only thing we had our sign in the last church I served was our service times.

  5. Aaron, thanks for your response. I learn something new every day with this blog!!

    Thanks also for your kind words...


  6. These signs are among the crummiest so far, even from waaaay back when you began the site. The "God hates homosexuals" one goes in the Hall of Shame.

    Love, love, LOVE your scriptural replies to that one, Joel! [high-five]

  7. I can't believe a church would actually put that on its sign. I'm going to need to see a picture.

    I mean, there's crummy and then there's crummy.

  8. ...See, I'm just stuck on 'Church of the Master' in that picture from Colorado. I run in a circle of Doctor Who geeks, is the thing, and if there's one thing the Master doesn't need, it's the ego-boost of having his own church.
    (I'm also coming to the game extremely late, and near-compulsively clicking 'older posts.' This is a lovely collection.)

  9. I'm posting really late, too...but sweet mother of pearl, I'm horrified. I mean, I'm glad when people spend a little time listening to others telling them what the Bible is about, but way more impressed when they actually read it through, do a little research, and realize that homosexuality wasn't even a concept when the Bible was written. Also that they're not nearly as great as they think.
