Friday, July 6, 2007

Dueteronomy Can Kick Megatron's Butt.

submitted AND reviewed by James Gilmore
The Bible: More Than Meets The Eye.

Does this mean we can start calling false prophets "Decepticons" now? Gosh, I hope so.

submitted by James Gilmore
I think they're using a different translation than the rest of us.

submitted by frequent contributor Miss Kitty, GA
Umm... He's probably a normal sized Jewish guy, actually.

Besides, isn't that a question and not an exclamation!

I will simply accept my reward in heaven for keeping that last review as clean as possible. No thanks to Miss Kitty, for attempting to put other notions in my head during her email. :) (Just kiddin', MK).

How big is your!

Keep 'em coming.


  1. I'm glad you refrained from following my drift on that last e-mail, Joel. :-P

    Love the "false prophets as Decepticons" line.

  2. It was probably a wise decision on my part. Though your idea(s) would have been funnier. I want to keep this PG-13, if possible.

    Though wait until you see Monday's post. If there were ever opportunities to take it past PG-13....yikes.
