Monday, February 18, 2008

the Clay Pigeon

It's here:

The Clay Pigeon

Clay Pigeon is a weekly online humor magazine put together by a select few of the evil geniuses over at (including yours truly). The first issue launches today!!

What is Clay Pigeon? Well, to truly answer that question, you had best visit the magazine itself and read the special interview with publishing magnate Rusty Gibbons.

In short, however, Clay Pigeon is a collection of the funniest of the funny. Some older, reworked, blog posts. Some brand new pieces. Some funny things we found online by unknown authors that you really need to be reading. All approved by the CP staff and edited (yes, edited...this is a magazine, after all, and not a blog) to reach Full Humor Potential.

Make no mistake: We're gunning for the big time with this. We feel strongly that this is some of the funniest writing that you'll find out there on the internet. Yes, the whole internet. The Onion may have the market cornered on funny fake news, but that doesn't mean it has the market cornered on funny. We're here for the demographic that finds things besides fake news stories funny.

We need YOU to spread the news about CP. Email friends. Do a blog post. Put a banner on your website. Hell, put a banner on your house. Just tell people about the new voice in humor, Clay Pigeon.

Anyhow, go visit and post a comment here or there about how hard you laughed. Then be sure to check it out each and every Monday, with new articles and interviews. Enjoy!

SPECIAL NOTE FOR CERTAIN REGULAR CCS READERS: While I feel the vast majority of you will thoroughly enjoy the Clay Pigeon, please be aware that this is not a Christian humor magazine. I think there's a "sh#t" or two in this first issue. Maybe even a "f#ck". Sorry, but those weren't my articles to edit*. Besides, those are just scatalogical humor words. There is no taking of the Lord's name in vain**.
At any rate, please visit Lark News for all your "Christian humor" needs.

Or don't. Whatever.

* ...OR WERE THEY?!? (dun-dun-dun...)
** and if there is, then it for real wasn't my article to edit.

Back with crumminess tomorrow.

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Since you bring it up . . . Speaking, admittedly, as a man with unclean lips, "scatological humor words" is an oxymoron. If an idea is intrinsically funny, throwing in four letters here and there is not going to make it so. If it is funny, it will need no such help. When I go to the humor well to pull up a bucket o' chuckles, scatology's like holes in the bucket -- the more there are, the faster all the fun drains out. I don't consider the language to be necessarily immoral, unless cliches are a sin. The Bible uses scatology at times, but usually the picture being painted isn't so humorous. Anyway, the fact that you posted a disclaimer for folks like me suggests an awareness of possible offense. In light of Romans 14, that should mediate your own editorial policies regardless of what your fellow editors do. I hope the whole thing works out well. In view of your magazine title, it's been an honor to take the first shot.

  2. Lots of people believe that scatological words magically make something funny. Bruce evidently believes they magically make something not funny. The fact is, they're just words that be used or misused like any other words.

    Trust me, the CP isn't going to rely on profanity to be funny.

  3. I'm totes behind on my Reader... so I'm just seeing this now. I think I'm in love with CP.
