Monday, February 4, 2008

Don't knock it 'til you've tried it:

submitted by new contributor Emily Monts de Oca, FL
...but if you just stay away altogether, then you don't have to remember these silly rules.

Seriously...What do they mean?!?

submitted by frequent contributor Duane Brown
So if it's broken I should stay away at those times, right?!?

"Life been a rough ride? Let Jesus smooth it out"
submitted by frequent contributor Jordan
So you've got the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace... and the steamroller of salvation?

You enter without knocking...

Keep 'em coming.


  1. Seems like that Mt. Ararat sign is a repeat offender.

    And wouldn't you think a church named after a Biblical holy place would put more effort into decent signs? Well, OK, I guess not.

  2. So, does that mean that thier website is down too?

  3. When what's broken? your car? your leg? grandmother's urn?

  4. "We not movin', where we at?"

    "You're right on top of mtararara . . . uh . . ."

    Lyrics to "Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord" by Lonnie Donegan

  5. Yes, Mt. Ararat is a very frequent offender. You don't see the ones that are just not crummy enough to get by Joel.

    Consider yourselves lucky :)

  6. I think they mean, "Don't knock (insult) the church after you leave here."

    Thankfully, it doesn't say anything about knockin' the church sign.

  7. i saw that first sign, and all i could think was that line from Young Frankenstein... "What knockers!" (sorry)

    also, if the church is a rockin', should we still come a knockin'?? ; )

    and on that note i shall take my leave, but not without thanking you for your FABULOUS TAKE on the ECONOMY, which was enough to make me drunk with laughter!

  8. that's "...a knockin'" ; ) (winky smiley face) d'oh!

  9. I'm guessing that the whole "don't knock when you exit" thing was supposed to be qa shot at people who made sarcastic or critical comments as they left the service.
